Choking Man (2006)
I understand, but I don't know
11 November 2007
I understand the premise, the characters, the gritty realism, but what I don't understand what this movie is about. During the film, I kept thinking about how "In Between Days", also released this year, was a far superior film about the immigrant experience. That film's overall "alone in the world" sense was conveyed much better. I liked the character of Amy, played by Ms. Yuan, but I don't feel enough was done for her. The character of Jorge, while I understand his pathological shyness, is annoying. I've been told this actor is good, and he probably is, but this role does nothing for me. And, Mandy Patinkin, usually so good, is completely wasted in his role. He is clearly a one note performer in the role of the diner owner. I like that the film was shot on location in Queens, applaud the effort the writer/director/producer made, understand all the characters, but do not like the film. I will, however, look for the films the two main characters have been in. They have potential, but this film shouldn't be the one they're most proud of.
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