Tales from the Darkside: Monsters in My Room (1985)
Season 2, Episode 12
Decent tale from the darkside.
26 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Tales from the Darkside: Monsters in My Room starts as a young boy named Timmy (Seth Green) is having trouble with his stepfather Biff (Greg Mullavy) who wants Timmy to abandon his girly ways & act more like a man. Timmy's not keen on the idea & his mum Helen (Beth McDonald) is stuck between the two, Timmy tries to convince his parents that monsters live in his room & come out at night but they don't believe him especially Biff who finds out the hard way that Timmy was in fact telling the truth...

Episode 12 from season 2 this Tales from the Darkside originally aired in the US during December 1985, written & directed by James Sandwith this is an OK episode but not one of the show's best. I'm not sure about the overriding moral message portrayed in Monsters in My Room, I mean if we let every boy act like a girl & buy them all huge cuddly stuff Panda bears for Christmas where would we end up? We'd had a whole generation of men driving around in bright pink Ford Fiesta's & getting in touch with their 'feminine' side which is obviously not what we want. Blokes should be blokes, guy's should like football & toy guns rather than huge teddy bears & they should definitely not make their mum's sing them lullaby's before they go to sleep! Seriously, get a grip guy's. Monsters in My Room plays on our childhood fears of horrible things lurking in the dark corners of our rooms as we lie there in bed in the dark trying to go to sleep as our imaginations run riot & in that respect it does a decent job but it doesn't do much with the concept & the conflict between Timmy & his stepfather Biff seemed unnecessary & not that great, the ending isn't so good either.

There are some alright looking monsters in this, a Goblin type creature, an impressive looking Witch, an Octopus creature & a living buzz saw. This is well made like most of this series but nothing spectacular & the special effects are variable, for instance the waving Octopus tentacles don't look that good. The acting is OK, Scott Evil himself from the Austin Powers films Seth Green makes an early TV appearance.

Monsters in My Room is a decent Tales from the Darkside episode but nothing overly special apart from the concept itself which I felt the makers could have done more with. Worth a watch but nothing special.
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