Battlestar Galactica: Razor (2007 TV Movie)
Ron Moore is Gene Roddenberry Reincarnate
9 December 2007
This is a review of the extended DVD version.....

After looking at the way Beowulf offered thin plot,acting and character development to give an excuse to watch eye candy, we have this: a made-for-TV movie costing 1% of what Beowulf did, and giving us an entirely new, in-depth look at the BSG universe, providing richer texture, logical backstory, and scintilating drama.

In Kendra Shaw, Ron Moore has delivered yet another tortured soul, but one who can hold her own against established characters Cain, Thrace, #6, and the Adamas. An incredible achievement.

BSG's effects have always served plot and character, but the free-fall scene between Adama and the Cylon highlights the superiority of this series to all other filmed SF and fantasy, on either TV or the Big Screen.

I am looking forward to the end of the series, which this film sets up. Not because I want to see it end, but because it will produce through its end what Star Trek never delivered, and Star Wars usatisfactorily did: a perfectly organic conclusion to the greatest piece of filmed science fiction ever made.

Ron, David, cast and crew: thank you from the bottom of my heart!
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