CSI: Miami: A Grizzly Murder (2007)
Season 5, Episode 17
A Hunting We Will Go!
12 December 2007
Well, this is a bit different - a grizzly bear mauling a man to death. That's different from the normal urban crime story we get from the Miami area and Florida isn't a place one thinks of when one thinks of grizzly bears. Nonetheless, there is (at least) one in the wilderness here and one guy among a small party of inexperienced hunters meets a gruesome ending to his life. However, it turns out to be a lot more than a hunting accident. Someone put some glycerin-type ointment on the guy's vest which attracted the bear; someone banged his knee with their rifle butt so the guy couldn't run away and, someone else was murdered in the place these hunters rented for the weekend.

Eric, Ryan and the team backtrack from the hunting scene to the posh hotel room to track down what exactly is going on here.

Once again, another extremely stylishly-photographed episode which includes the normal twists and other characters, such as a stripper who Horatio seems to a fancy to, which is not surprising. At least she finds out there is one cop she can trust.
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