I Am Legend (2007)
Pointless remake #257
15 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was dragged to this movie, but I did give it a chance. However there is nothing new here if you have seen 'The Omega Man'. Now 'The Omega Man' was a very cool (in a 70s kitsch way) remake of 'The Last Man on Earth' the very cool Vincent Price movie. Those two movies were different enough that I'm not sure I even realized that 'The Omega Man' was a remake initially. In this case however 'I Am Legend' adds very little, and if you've seen 'The Omega Man', I don't think there is enough to keep you from being bored senseless. What they've basically done is taken that film, added the fast zombies now that '28 Days Later' invented them, and added more backstory about Robert Neville and the virus. But it's minuscule. Some of the effects were pretty good and that's what I'm giving it 3 points for. Someone worked hard on those I'm sure. Otherwise, Will Smith should really focus on more actory movies, because he's good at it and stuff like this is just a waste of his talent.
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