Superstition (1982)
A witch comes back for revenge...again
29 December 2007
There are certain themes that recur again and again in horror films, and a witch coming back from the dead to gain revenge on those who put him/her to death is one that has been done many, many times before. There are films in which it has been done well; The Haunted Palace, for example, and then there are films in which it is not done well...this film for example. Superstition takes this horror cliché and, aside from a few amusing death scenes, doesn't add anything to it; which makes watching it pretty pointless. The plot revolves around an old house. A new family moves in, blah blah, and then people start getting killed, blah blah and eventually we find out that it's because of a witch that was put to death centuries earlier. As mentioned, this film does feature some good death scenes and they are rather gory; the best one sees a circular saw break free and rip through a man's chest, and a strangulation in an elevator shaft takes second place. It's obvious that nobody wanted to give the filmmakers much money (wonder why...) however, as the entire film looks very cheap and this does affect the credibility of the death scenes also. Overall, this is pretty much a big waste of time; there are better films about witches coming back for revenge, so see those instead!
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