Fun ghost stories from locals, boring psychic, crappy photo "evidence"
3 January 2008
The popularity of the "Ghosthunters" show has seen many more of these videos hitting the market: documentaries on supposedly-true hauntings. This particular video also serves to advertise a particular psychic, and some of the sites featured.

The interviewed locals have some fun stories to tell. But so do many locals in many other older towns across America; whether this town deserves the "most haunted" label is highly debatable and largely advertising spin.

Unfortunately, the psychic/photographer investigative team fall far short of convincing me. And as for the photo evidence... Well, part of the reason "professional" (which, all too often, means publicity-seeking) ghost investigators like to use "orb" photos as evidence of spiritual presence is that orb photos are so very easy to get! I have a camera that gets flash orbs 20% of the time, in all sorts of settings -- I had to buy another camera so I wouldn't spend all my time Photoshopping the dust blobs out! (Ironic, isn't it -- far from faking an orb photo, I have to use a computer to remove the darn blemishes.)

In fact, the breathy psychic is so credulous about the videos that she disproves her point -- the "spirits flying in from everywhere" are so obviously dust particles streaming past a light that I think even true believers would find it hard to swallow.

When the locals are telling their stories this video is as interesting as any travelogue about a small town can be. Whenever the investigators are on the screen (with "orbs" in photos conveniently circled in still frames), it is time to reach for the fast forward.

Overall, I give this video a miss.
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