Nancy Grace (2005–2016)
Tragedy TV
23 January 2008
"if you are hurting innocents, breaking the law, or lying to the world, she will be your worst nightmare, should you cross her radar." Um... unless your George W. Bush, right? Nancy Grace covers the ridiculous, absurd, and obscene tabloid, tragedy TV stories. On her show... Iraq doesn't top the discussion. Its all about Robert Blake, Michael Jackson, Scott Peterson, Natalee Holloway, the Duke rape case, sex scandals, but I guess if your looking for the latest news on the latest missing/murdered blonde... Nancy Grace is your show. The reality is, there is much more important things to talk about and much more important things to be discussed. But I'm sure Nancy Grace is among Karl Rove's favorite shows because it keeps his guys out of the news. And thats exactly what they want. They don't want the American people to know the truth about their corruption and lies. They don't want the American people to know the real number of dead Iraqi citizens and dead innocent American troops. Sure, Nancy Grace pays tribute to one dead American soldier each night. But you can you really call her show a tribute to American soldiers? And in a time of war, I don't want to watch a show thats not a tribute to our American soldiers.
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