2 L&H shorts
13 March 2008
You're Darn Tootin' (1928)

** (out of 4)

Pretty flat Laurel and Hardy film has the boys playing musicians who get fired from their job and then evicted from their apartment. There's really not a single laugh until the end when a street riot breaks out due to the boy's bad music.

Slipping Wives (1927)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

A woman fears her husband isn't interested in her anymore so she pays a stranger (Laurel) to pretend to be her lover. This was later remade by L&H as The Fixer Uppers, which is better than this here. Hardy plays the butler but this was a pre-L&H team film so the two spend most of the time apart, although there one fight scene together is certainly the highlight.
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