13 March 2008
Long Lost Father (1934)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

A deadbeat father (John Barrymore) leaves his daughter at a young age only to bump into her as an adult. He soon learns that she's partying and gets into some trouble so will he rise up and finally be a father? This is a rather strange film that plays for laughs the first 45-minutes and then goes for drama the final 20 and the two really don't mix well. Barrymore's comic timing is right on the mark and he keeps this thing going but his daughter is such a bitch you really can't care what happens to her. Another strange thing is that there are a couple weird moments in the film where Barrymore talks about how nice his daughter's legs are. Produced by Merian C. Cooper and directed by Ernest B. Schoedsack.
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