Clone-Remakes from "Search From the Next Doll" But Much Worse
2 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This show is much worse than SFTND. Mainly, it's because the girls are clone remakes from SFTND and they all sound and look the same, but also because of what Robin Antin is doing.

Robin Antin is a woman who has horrible plastic surgery and wears clothes that teens or young women would wear, trying to look 17 again. She is also a woman almost 50-yrs-old, forming this group, probably because she is living through them and wants money.

Robin Antin is basically making another bad group like PCD, except the group has an unoriginal name and there are 3 girls only.

To be honest, I think think would actually be an okay group if the girls had more talent, were more unique, didn't dress the way they did, and had dance moves the were appropriate for all audiences.

What I don't understand is that Mikey and Robin say the girls shouldn't dance like strippers, but PCD and Girlicious already does that. Also what I don't get is that the show is too dramatic, and they keep saying that dancing like a stripper and singing slut-versions of classic songs is "helping them become a better performer" and "boosts their self-confidence".- LAME.

There was one episode where she has the girls perform for their "potential fans", which were young girls. If young girls actually like Girlicious, Robin is going to fill the image in their minds that this is how girls dance and perform in order to be successful.

Think about it, would you want a 7-15-year-old admiring sluts? 2/10
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