Killer's Kiss (1955)
Early, low-budget Kubrick...and fascinating for being precisely that
27 April 2008
Moody film noir has boxer Frank Silvera becoming involved with his comely neighbor (Irene Kane, later known as film critic Chris Chase); she's being harassed by her gangster boss, whom the boxer eventually crosses paths with. Stanley Kubrick directed (he also wrote the initial treatment, co-produced, edited and photographed the movie!), and he does well with his first full-length feature, although his unerring eye for detail and ambiance outclasses the script and characters. The picture is enjoyable for film-buffs on a minor level (it's a footnote, nothing more), yet the set-ups and camera-work must have seemed high-reaching in 1955. It's a vivid, arresting movie which grabs you by the eyeballs, but the sum total isn't equal to these parts, and half the time there's just not much happening plot-wise. ** from ****
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