Something Stupid would have been a better title
28 April 2008
I would consider myself a fan of Two Thousand Maniacs, I enjoyed The Gore Gore Girls and thought Blood Feast was OK; but in general, I don't consider myself a fan of Herschell Gordon Lewis and, in fact, every time I see another of his films; I generally become less of a fan. I'm not a cinema snob by any means and while I prefer to watch 'serious' horror films than trashy inept ones; I can appreciate this sort of stuff some of the time. However, Lewis' films are so inept that they often bypass the 'so bad it's good' mark and go all the way back to simply being bad; and that is certainly the case here. The plot moulds together several different ideas, all of them ridiculous. We focus on Cronin Mitchell; a good looking guy who becomes disfigured after an accident with a power line. There is some good news, however, as he also gets extra sensory powers. It's not long before an ugly witch comes to him for a psychic reading and offers him the chance to regain his good looks if he becomes her lover. He does, and then pair gets involved with a murder case.

The film features the usual Herschell Gordon Lewis level of class; obviously, none. The film is another excellent example of how not to make a movie, as the direction, acting, editing etc are all terrible. Perhaps the most horrible thing about the film is the old witch's make-up, and certainly not for the right reasons as it looks extremely cheap and obvious, and this is not helped by the performance from Mudite Arums, who gives it far too much and just comes off looking silly. The plot seems like it was written by a three year old and the way it flows makes absolutely no sense at all and the whole murder plot feels like it was thrown on the end as an afterthought (and it probably was). This film might appeal to those whole enjoy campy pieces of crap; but if you're not one of those people, I really can't think of much to recommend this for. Aside from being rubbish, I also found this film to be an insult to my intelligence and it almost feels like it was made for children. Overall, this is bad even for 'The Godfather of Gore' and everyone but his hardcore fans would do well to miss it!
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