Review of Speed Racer

Speed Racer (2008)
Heart Warming...Go Speed Racer...Goooo!!!!!
9 May 2008
I watched Speed Racer as a kid and loved it! Now as a series, Speed Racer was not, generally, any deeper than its 2 dimensional rendition in anime, but the mystery surrounding his brother brought a few tugs. Now if you expect the movie to be some more realistic, darker, Speed, stay home because you'll hate it! But if you want to see a true homage to the original, then you will be happy you went!! This movie is definitely a family movie with a mix of camp humor and bubble gum colors for the kids, or the kid in you, and some excellent action and drama for adults and the adult in kids! But for me the heart warming moments were what made the movie especially between Speed and Rex his brother. Speed as a child and his moments with "Pops" and "Mom" as a kid and as an adult, were really well acted by John Goodman and Susan Sarandon. Emile Hirsch is just building a great resume' as a versatile actor, if you haven't seen "Into The Wild," I highly recommend you rent it; he does a great lead in that true but tragic story. As as Speed, Hirsch captures the fictitious character's determination and courage and amplifies on his inner turmoil and pain. Matthew Fox as Racer X was a great pick, and works well in the movie; nice to see his acting skills apart from his sojourn on "LOST." The music is excellent and although there are a few repetitive moments, some flat spots, and some over the top spots, I believe you will enjoy the ride; especially if you grew up watching the series!
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