Don't ever watch this movie!
31 May 2008
I have been a member of IMDb for several years and I have never been so inspired to write a movie comment before. From the very start, The Brother's Solomon made me sick to my stomach. It's tough to put into words how bad this movie was, but I'll try. The two actors that were cast for this appalling plot were so clearly lacking in any kind of talent that it made home movies of my dog taking a dump look like a Steven Spielberg Oscar-winning classic. How in the World is this movie allowed to exist? The actors suck, it wasn't funny (except for how bad it was), and it was almost impossible for me to sit through. It was clearly a rip off of Dumb and Dumber minus any opportunity for laughter. If your friend says, "Hey, wanna see The Brother's Solomon?" Your answer will be, "F$%K NO! I'd rather be eaten alive by a flock of ebola-ridden seagulls." Friends don't let friends watch this turd of a movie. The past is the past and I can't change the fact that I saw this movie. I wish I could get my 93 minutes back but Bob Odenkirk and Will Forte stole them. Fortunately, I wrote this and hopefully you take my advice to heart and forget about ever seeing this movie. You're welcome.
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