Futurama: War Is the H-Word (2000)
Season 3, Episode 2
Hilarious 'starship troopers' spoof provides great lines for Zoidberg.
3 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Loosely based on Starship Troopers, this episode contains one of the highest good joke/minute ratio of the series. A giant load of hits and few if any misses. The war hospital scenes blow most of the rest out of the water:

Zoidberg: "I'm afraid he's gone" Patient: 'Whoa doctor I'm not dead' Zoidberg: "I believe I'm the doctor"

The voice actor's delivery gets the maximum out of the writing, the funniest character for me will always be Zoidberg because the writers go into all kind of directions with him, pitiful, childishly honest, just plain weird, vulnerable, clueless, attention hungry, he's all that and much more. If anyone could be the 'Homer' of Futurama, it's Zoidberg. Although Professor Farnsworth and Bender come close to absolute hilarity too. 'Leela' will always be the slightly nerve-wrecking voice of reason, the 'Lisa' if you will.

I've always adored the end of the episode, where Bender tries to guess the word that'll detonate the bomb inside him...euhm...dare I say...anticking?

Some of the episodes most memorable jokes to go out on.

  • Bender's top 10 most used words: 8. Yours 7.Up

  • Zoidberg: Scalpel (short pause) Blood Bucket (short pause) Priest

  • Brannigan: Look at this sissy Kiff. While others were fighting and dying pointlessly, he was hiding in a hole wallowing in a pool of his own cowardice. Fry: That wasn't cowardice!

  • Nurse: leave doctor Zoidberg alone, he's got twice the training you do! Other surgeon: Yeah, he's a doctor and a butcher (chuckling while the sedated patient he's operating on chuckles heartily too).

  • Brannigan: here lies the bravest soldier I've seen since my mirror got grease on it. I hereby order that in Bender's honor, he be melted down and made into a statue of himself.

I bet you got in the mood to revisit this episode now. :-)
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