All About You (2001)
Lies, lies, lies
22 June 2008
Dreadful score, the direction is very amateurish, and the acting is well below average. Cheaply done and it looks it. The story isn't even that interesting. I can't see why they bothered to make it. What really irks me is how the totally obscure director (Christine Swanson) is listed as an award winning director. She won one award - Short Film Award at, get this, The Acapulco Black Film Festival!!!! Now there is a major achievement! Was she employee of the month at Wal-Mart too? Better yet, before the credits, it says that All About Us became a best selling DVD. It isn't even out yet on DVD, (Today's date 06/22/08, street date for the movie 07/01/08) so how can it be a best seller already!!! And it is very likely it won't sell at all. Misleading lies. What a turn off.
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