This is the first appearance of the fat Elmer Fudd...
23 June 2008
and soon he would change into the Elmer we know today. In this episode he does not look much like Elmer, but this was 1941 when "Wabbit Trouble" was made and Elmer was still developing. I have a feeling this was also the first Bugs Bunny short directed by Robert Clampett.

Anyhow, I quite like this Bugs Bunny episode, due to the clever jokes from Bugs (even though he's rather mean), the animation (especially at the very beginning) and the plot. I thought the farce jokes with Elmer and the bear were not very good, but that is only because I have seen it before. In those days it almost definitely was not so cliché. I think Elmer and some of his lines are quite sweet.

In this episode, Elmer arrives in Jellostone (L.O.L) for "west and wewaxation." Instead, as soon as he sets up his campsite, he receives some bullying from both Bugs Bunny and from a fierce grizzly bear... Chaos follows (Duh)...

I recommend this to people who like old episodes, Bugs Bunny when he is particularly mean and farce. Enjoy "Wabbit Twouble"! :-)

P.S Robert Clampett calls himself Wobert Cwampett in the credits!
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