Indy for the new generation
27 June 2008
Yes, I liked it. No, I didn't liked it as much as the first or second ones... maybe as much as the third one. Is that the movie's fault? Not really.. it is MY fault: I grew up! But I took my kids to watch it, and surprise, surprise, they had a helluva good time with it, maybe as good as I did back in the 80's, and that an excellent compliment for a movie like this amidst all that noisy crap that Hollywood gives us these days (crap, that I must confess, I like and watch!.. but it's still crap). So, if you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and not just "watch it", but ENJOY IT for what it is: Another Indy adventure! Cheers! ... this stupid thing asks me to add more "filler" lines.. OK, here they are :P
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