Review of Not Pictured

Veronica Mars: Not Pictured (2006)
Season 2, Episode 22
Another Point of View
6 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, all the comments are from users who rate this episode a full 10 stars. Yet the User rating is only 6.6 - I wonder why? Could it be that the praise-heavers are blind to the massive flaws in this episode (and the series in general). I watched the whole season to give the show a chance since a friend of mine is a fan (and yes, she is a woman and I am a man, but that doesn't affect my opinion). Veronica Mars has been so average that it is a miracle it lasted three seasons. Not a single episode has stood out with original ideas, just something we've seen somewhere else before. The season finale has so many clichés in it that I can't even bother waste my time listing all of them, but here's a few: 1) Veronica's dad dies in a plane explosion - EXCEPT THAT HE WASN'T ON THE PLANE, he just got out without us, the viewers, ever seeing it! 2) Veronica gets the gun an seems prepared to kill the guy who (as far as she knows) killed her dad AND raped her way back in the past. Then comes the Voice of Reason Guy and gives us DON'T DO IT SPEECH: "Give me the gun, Veronica. You are not a killer, Veronica. Give me the gun. You are not a killer, Veronica. Give me the gun." It's like he's a vinyl record stuck on a repeating loop. 3) Worst of all, Veronica and Beaver have a THREE minute long dialogue where all the twists and turns of the whole bus accident and it's aftermath are explained, with flashbacks, just so that even the dumbest or most casual viewer knows what happened. If one has bothered to watch the whole season or is just a casual viewer, one does not need this arduous scene and if one has not understood what one has watched during the whole season, one would probably have been watching something less challenging. Are the writers underestimating their target audience or are they just lazy and outright bad?
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