Review of Scrapbook

Scrapbook (2000 Video)
27 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I might give this movie a chance despite the multitude of bad reviews. Hell, August Underground's Mordum received a lot of them, and I still like it. And now here goes my review of Scrapbook which goes along the lines of the said multitude.

Yup, I made a mistake watching this. Here's why.

Scrapbook might be called a lousy attempt at no - budget, no - plot worth mentioning , almost no acting, silly yet pretentious, unjustifiably slow - paced and over - hyped cinematography. It won a prize? What for - the most unconvincing scenes of slapping ? It tries to be violent, gory, shocking, dark, even some sort of psychological thriller at times - and fails in everything. It's way too long, too unconvincing. I found myself fast - forwarding quite a few times, just to skip a minute or two of totally pointless garbage. And again, and again, and again... and it was still too long.

Special effects and make - up are crap. Acting is mostly crap. Story too - banal, unoriginal and it doesn't really go anywhere. A serial killer abducts this poor girl, takes her to a decrepit house on a farm and subjects her to various forms of torture, all along ranting about his scrapbook full of mementos from previous victims and their descriptions of what they went through. He's going to be famous and rich after he's done with her, she's the last one to write in the scrapbook. So, is he psychotic or retarded? Because, you know, this story sounds stupid to me. By the way, we don't get to see much of the photos in the scrapbook, and they're supposed to be super - shocking. The torture is also supposed to look shocking, but it doesn't. It doesn't look realistic enough.So, this guy is giving this girl a very rough and degrading treatment, so she realizes that her only way out is to manipulate him... by writing some very unbelievable things in the scrapbook. Eventually/very quickly he buys it, succumbs to his masochistic drives, allows the girl to tie him up to the bed and they start some kinky sex... which quickly ends in his murder. Girl stabs him off - screen and for some part on - screen, takes several Polaroid snapshots of poor bastard screaming, puts them in the scrapbook and goes away. The end.

I see absolutely no point in this movie. I don't find it educational. Too short of gore for gore hounds, definitely not suitable for fans of mainstream horror... so, what's the point? To earn some money and pseudo - cult status using sick cinematographic clichés that don't live up to the hype, internet gossips and reviews done probably by the film crew and their friends? Come on, we already got a lot of that.

1 out of 10.
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