29 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Pussy appears out of nowhere, claiming he was holed up with a 26-year-old in Puerto Rico, prompting Tony to want to both hit and hug him. He chooses the latter, fortunately. Junior is languishing in prison for the moment, and Livia is still laid up. Long-lost sister Janice shows up, and Tony decides to hold a party. Janice quickly establishes herself as a thoroughly contemptible (and at times pathetic) individual who immediately attempts to thwart Tony's plan to sell Livia's house. Chris starts a boiler room operation but quickly gets bored, which leads to some serious trouble that may have long-term consequences. Dr. Melfi is seeing patients in her motel room, and wants nothing further to do with the big guy, whom she claims is responsible for the suicide of a patient. So Tony tries out a new shrink, who declines to take him on, fearing the consequences. Tony of course keeps having palpitations and blackouts. While there is some pretty strong violence in the episode, it is really about the family, both kinds of family, and the stresses and strains that go with being part of a family.
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