For Sentimentalists
29 July 2008
I love Ryan Reynolds and Isla Fisher. They are both terrific actors. This romantic comedy, while you know its pretense if you've just seen the trailer, does have some typical sub-plots. But it's not all nice and tidy and contrived as some may think.

What I love about this story is that it's told through a man's third person point of view. We know he's telling the story, but we see it as it happens from a third-person perspective.

I've never seen Kevin Kline in a role like he plays in this movie, either, and I thought he was fantastic.

If you're sentimental, traditional even in your expectations of romantic comedies, you'll love this movie just for its core message. In very general terms, that core message is that love conquers and withstands all.

I read a review of this movie in "Entertainment Weekly" magazine and remember a comment about Ryan Reynolds, something about his performance not being all that great. I can't remember the exact wording. But actually, I like his performance in this movie. He's incredibly talented and has played comedic characters in the past. This time, I believe he had to perform the character as how the character would have been at that point in his life, which did not require a lot of "outward" emoting. As many men we all know, he plays the character from within, which means not much emotion on the outside, very restrained emotion.

Even though the men in my life are more sensitive than most men, we all know that the majority of men, even those who are more sensitive than others, tend to internalize their emotions and true feelings.

On the other hand...many times, there's nothing going on internally at all...other than the sound of crickets.


Seriously, this is a role for "under" acting, if there is such a thing. I believe he hit the nail on the head of how many men in the world may actually be living their lives in similar situations.

This movie is ultimately...sweet and worth watching, if for nothing more, the relationship this man has with his daughter.

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