Home and Away: Episode #1.4122 (2006)
Season 1, Episode 4,122
"I honestly feel privileged to have known the man.He was a genuinely good guy."
8 August 2008
Gone but by no means forgotten.Flynn's voice overs throughout the episode and the classic closing lines in particular give him a strong presence throughout this episode and perhaps indicate that he did find that there were more things in heaven and earth.Home and Away is probably the best soap when it comes to getting back the right characters for occasions such as this-just as we're wondering why Flynn's family aren't at his funeral, we discover they have actually rehired the actors who played John and Ashley for supporting roles, even though they haven't been seen for two and five years respectively.

The ongoing story lines aren't neglected as we get references to Kim and Rachel's burgeoning romance, Leah and Dan's marital difficulties and even an update on Tasha, who seems to have very few ties with the Bay these days, although you do wish someone would muzzle Martha when she kicks off at Jonah.

There's a nice character moment of Lucas and Matilda getting some food for Ric and Cassie.And it's a case of like mother, like daughter in more ways than one.Not only does Sally's business as usual attitude echo Pippa's after her own widowhoods(and ironically Sally was usually the one trying to get her out of it)but when Cassie breaks down during her reading in church we suddenly remember Sally did the same thing at Michael's funeral.That shot of the whole of Summer Bay standing there to pay tribute to Flynn as Sally scatters the ashes is a memorable one.
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