The Best Stones Documentary to Date
14 August 2008
This excellent film, which has yet to see a DVD release, is so far the best documentary about the evolution of the Rolling Stones. This piece focuses more on the history of the band; not only its musical development, but the more sensational episodes in the personal lives of its members. The story of the Stones in their early days, before they settled down to become elder statesmen, is very much the story of the 60s. Like the Beatles, the Stones became popular before the hippies entered the scene, but in many ways anticipated them and absorbed those trends.

This 1989 release obviously contains no new information about the Stones' later years, but you're not really missing anything. The Stones have continued to produce good music, but they've become professionals who no longer make headlines for "bad-boy behavior." It's a very professional, brilliantly edited piece, and I highly recommend it to any Stones fan. Unfortunately you'll have to look for a tape or laserdisc on ebay, as the Stones seemingly have no interest in releasing video product of any kind. There are several concert discs which are allowed to go out of print almost immediately, and the last two have been Best Buy exclusives, alienating many retailers and fans.

If you can find it, this is the one to see.
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