Entertaining but a little predictable
23 August 2008
The most impressive thing for me in BB was not the plot, the comedy, the music…it was the art direction. Lavish hawelis and regal courtyards form the backdrop of this comic thriller that sets the tone for much of the film's suspense moments. Even the cars look tastefully royal and the interior decoration, while a bit monotonous at times, is accurate.

Coming to the story, well, it's a no-brainer that it has been inspired from a National Award winning regional film. However, the adaptation has been well thought-out and competently executed. While not gripping, it is engrossing, except when Shiny Ahuja and Vidya Balan mouth their lines. Those two form the extreme ends of bad acting, with Shiny epitomizing over-the-top hamming and Vidya being more wooden than the classy cupboards in the palace. Apart from this, the cast is good, the music ably supporting, and the editing crisp. The rationale for the mystery is nothing less than sophisticated mumbo-jumbo but, it works nevertheless.

Now, if only I had a palace like that too...
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