Enjoyable show with an entertaining if pretentious host.
22 September 2008
Anthony Bourdain is, foremost, pretentious. He's also an outright jerk. He can be cruel, he can be an ingrate- he can be many things of a language not allowed on the IMDb comment section. He is, however, a person who understands most of these things about himself, and, most importantly, he is a man who is just outright fun to watch.

Bourdain is a tall, middle-aged white dude secure enough in his masculinity and deep enough in his pretentiousness to wear an earring on occasion. He is a writer/food critic/chef who travels around the world sampling various cultures and their cuisine while sharing his ideas and commenting (sometimes unnecessarily) along the way either to the locals or in a voice-over later recorded. While some reviewers would obviously disagree with my perception of him in this regard, I find Bourdain likable despite his various negative qualities (though I'm not sure if I'd enjoy meeting him in person).

This show and the Andrew Zimmern's run back to back sometimes on the same channel, and they complement each other well. While Bourdain is acerbic and occasionally funny, Zimmern is a much more open and amiable guy happily along for the ride. They have actually met each other on screen (a youtube search could show you what I mean) and they are somewhat similar in a subtle way. Both arec a joy to watch. Neither show is to be missed.
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