Review of Progeny

Progeny (1998)
Rosemary's (extra-terrestrial) Baby
27 October 2008
Rosemary's Baby meets Alien, Brian Yuzna style! Actually, this is a surprisingly restrained effort from the man behind such gory classics as Bride of Re-Animator and The Dentist, though we do still get some nasty styled gore. The film is rather well put together and the acting is not bad; the only real criticism I have of the film is that it's not very ambitious. The whole film revolves around the central plot point and despite being at least interesting throughout, it doesn't really go anywhere once it reaches its conclusion, which is a bit of a shame. The plot focuses on husband and wife Craig and Sherry Burton. They've been trying for a baby but not had much luck; although their luck changes one day when Sherry discovers that she has finally become pregnant. However, this happens shortly after a strange night where the couple, during sex, both had a blackout. As time moves on Craig increasingly begins to suspect that there's something wrong with the baby and begins to question what happened during the blackout.

The film takes obvious influence from films such as Rosemary's Baby, although the plot is much shallower. There's plenty of ways that Brian Yuzna could have taken the story but it's never really developed beyond the immediate ideas. The immediate ideas are good however and the film features plenty of decent set pieces - most of which are reminiscent of what actual expecting couples would have to go through (e.g. an ultrasound scan). The central cast is good with Arnold Vosloo and Jillian McWhirter convincing as the central couple and receiving good support from Brad Dourif as a doctor. The film is not particularly gory but we do get some inventive alien effects courtesy of Screaming Mad George. The aliens themselves are not seen all that often but we do at least get a general idea. The film might have been better had it been a bit more expansive and not focused solely on the pregnancy; but even so the ending is decent enough (if a little muddled) and while this film is not great; it is at least worth a look for horror fans.
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