IMDb's unfortunate summaries
5 November 2008
This was a pretty flimsy film that tried for artsy and ended up as an excursion in confusion. It tries to be 'profound' and 'existential,' yet it is never for a moment convincing.

If you read the IMDb summary for this film, you'd think you were in for something really special, a once-in-a-lifetime examination of a young man's travail. The problem is, the gushing summary was submitted, word-for-word, through the film's website.

IMDb has to clean up its act. This flagrant 'puff-piece' by the film's principals and promoters should never have appeared on IMDb as an 'objective' summary of the film itself.

Basically, the story concerns a young man's desire to have his book published. It's a book about stick figures trying to find meaning that transcends orgies with real and imaginary women. The young man searches for 'The One,' which is shorthand for what mere mortals used to call 'a true love'. In this film, 'The One,' a hackneyed term at the best of times, becomes an over-inflated motif for bargain-basement philosophy. The film is little more than an examination of a man's angst in trying to find himself. Despite IMDb's unctuous, self-serving summary, there's nothing new here at all.

This is not an existential film. It's just another 'coming of age' flick that haughtily pretends it's something else.

I've said it before: IMDb very often cannot be trusted as a reliable source for film summaries and even criticism. Many of the people who give outrageously high ratings on the IMDb board are those who made the film and their myriad friends. At best, it's spectacularly misleading.
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