The Mr. Men Show (2008–2009)
I think it's one of the best cartoons out these days.
21 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Any spoilers below will only be for people who haven't seen the shows that have already aired...

I love how "The Mr. Men Show" brought slap-stick back into cartoons. I used to love watching "Popeye," "Looney Tunes," "Tom & Jerry," and Tex Avery cartoons as a kid. Now, with the exception of "Tom & Jerry" (which comes on right after the Mr. Men Show), kids today don't seem to see any of the classic cartoons anymore.

I don't think the accent thing is a big deal either. Not all the negative characters have foreign accents. Look at Mr. Grumpy, Miss Scary, Miss Calamity, Miss Whoops, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, Mr. Lazy, Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Nosy. Those aren't considered positive personalities, but they're all United States accents.

Someone on here said Miss Calamity was British, I don't think so. She sounds like she's from New Jersey to me (and I've lived in Jersey). Now Mr. Small and Mr. Persnickety sound British. That same person said that Mr. Stubborn sounds German, sounds more Russian to me.

Anyway, I had fun animating on the show. My favorite characters to animate were Mr. Quiet, Miss Whoops, Mr. Bump, Mr. Bounce (all for the slap-stick scenes) Mr. Persnickety, Mr. Stubborn,(all for the acting scenes) Mr. Messy, Mr. Nervous, and Mister Scatterbrain (all for the slap-stick and acting scenes). I'd also add Miss Calamity (for slap-stick and acting), but she was more tedious because she's the only character who isn't symmetrical. Her hair is parted to one side, so you can't simply 'flip' her for a turn-a-round without changing her hair-part to the correct direction.

It was nice to animate using a good amount of squash n' stretch and smears for fast movements. You don't see much of that in today's cartoons. It was also great to animate these characters that I read in the original books as a child--it was like everything came full circle.

Some of my favorite scenes that I animated were Mr. Quiet falling out of a helicopter and clutching to the seat belt, Mr. Stubborn refusing to believe that there is anything wrong with a broken roller coaster (even after they all end up falling out of it from being upside down) and demanding Mr. Strong to put him back on, Mr. Persnickety trying to clean up after Mr. Messy with a vacuum cleaner that vacuums too much mess and explodes, Mr. Bounce bouncing out the trash, Mr. Grumpy getting squashed in a fun house and coming out moving up and down like a xylophone (an old Wile E. Coyote gag), Miss Daredevil and Mr. Quiet riding through a grocery store on a high-powered cycle/smashing through different barrels of fruit/and slipping on a banana peel, Mr. Nervous imagining he's being attacked by a robot, Mr. Small and Mr. Nosy using Mr. Persnickety's sleep walking disorder to clean their house, one where Mr. Messy decides to paint Mr. Persnickety's house/making a big mess, and a Badminton match in which Mr. Strong wails the shuttlecock (yes that's the correct term for it) with his racket so hard that it causes Mr. Bump to fly sky high.

Anyway, it was a fun show to work on and I'm glad some people like it. My nephews love it.
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