SWF = Stinking Worthless Film
10 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film was such a wasted few hours of my life. The plot was absolutely terrible. An obsessive lesbian-esquire stalker girl who destroys her flatmates life? To begin with, the whole my fiancé cheated with his ex-wife beginning was terrible. You pray and pray for her to just dump him, because honestly, why would you take such scum back? and then she does? Well, I honestly had no sympathy for her after that. The back story for Leighs character was weak, and why she would choose weak and pathetic Fonda's character to obsess over, I really don't know. I cheered when Fonda's fiancé was killed, and ended up hating both Leigh and Fonda's pitiful characters. The film was far too focused on sex, and it was far too male orientated erotica. To sum up, the film was poorly executed, think made for TV movie.
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