Trailer Park of Terror
17 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Norma, whose like a dandelion in a sewer, hopes her new boyfriend can rescue her from a trailer park chock full of hick degenerates and foul lowlifes, reeking of filth and trash, but loses him when one of these scumbags, Marv, pushes the fellow into a spiked fence. Seething with hate and despair, Norma(Nichole Hiltz)makes a deal with a long-haired cowboy(Trace Adkins), who very well might be Satan(..or at the very least an emissary urging her to commit sin for his master)to get her revenge by shooting them with a gun he delivers after their arrangement is negotiated. After a shooting spree, Norma blows the entire trailer park to smithereens, including herself, setting up the remainder of the film. A group of obnoxious *sinners*(..a list of stereotypes handpicked for slaughter)who have been traveling in a "salvation trip" with driver and chaperon, Pastor Lewis(Matthew Del Negro)to help them kick their various vices/troubles, find themselves in an unfortunate wreck during a heavy rainstorm after colliding head-on with an abandoned rig in the middle of the road, stranding them with their only refuge a trailer park nearby. This trailer park just so happens to be the one supposedly blown to bits and we see Norma with a wig, dressed like a leering, lusty housewife, who welcomes them in with open arms. We know these people are in for one hell of a ride.

The teenagers include a goth chick, a hefty addict, a nympho, a shoplifter, a homosexual seeking "moral counseling", and a smart-mouthed bullying wise-guy. This trailer park's former denizens, all victims of Norma's bloody rampage which rearranged their faces creating hideous facial scars and flesh damage, are now ghouls following her orders and they wreak havoc on the kids, destroying each in one grisly way or another. One victim's head is ripped away from his neck. One victim's arm is removed by a saw, before becoming a gut-munching feast for a large carnivorous trailer park neighbor who just loves her meat. One victim is force-fed helium from a tank, her mouth enlarging and hemorrhaging blood. One victim is gruesomely tortured by a cook, flesh from his chest slowly peeled by the killer's knife, later broiled in grease! Another victim's spine is crushed, the bones protruding from the skin of his back. One poor soul, while trapped in a cage, is plowed through by a car exploding from the inside of a house. And, one of the hick zombies, the guitar-playing southern rocker Roach(Myk Watford), who, when alive, collected various weapons, steps on a mine he planted blowing his body into pieces scattering all over the place. The film sets up the goth chick as the "final girl" whose life mirrors Norma's in that she could not escape the scrutiny of a false reputation. The film uses both CGI and practical effects which actually work rather well. The film seems modeled after Rob Zombie's brand of "white trash cinema" and the tongue-in-cheek goremedy 2001 Maniacs. Strong stomachs required. Probably more suited for exploitation and gorehounds who would appreciate the tasteless antics of the hicks and their affinity for harming people they don't like. Startling enough, there's no nudity despite lots of sexually uncomfortable subject matter and frank situations. The trailer park setting really provides the viewer with little more than a cesspool of sick individuals who live to commit all kinds of unpleasant behavior. Non-stop profanity, so if this bothers you stay far away.
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