Not as Bad as a 4.6 rating
31 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
But only as high as a 6.

First off, I have to say that my copy of the DVD will not play the original Thai audio, so I am stuck with the horrible English overdubs. I kept the subtitles on anyways but had to laugh at how different they were from the spoken lines. Sometimes the dialogue was more detailed and sometimes the subtitles were.

So due to the fact I had to listen to the overdubbed version, I cannot comment on the acting as a whole. Most of the physical acting was decent, with body language and whatnot, but nothing really stood out.

The Story: Pretty decent revenge/black magic story. The woman has an affair with a married man, gets pregnant, wants hush money, gets gang raped by the married mans friends, demands more money, gets bitch slapped around and then wants revenge. You're sort of torn about how you're supposed to feel about the main girl. She's sort of a slut and seems a bit like a gold digger, but she was also cast aside by the baby's daddy and raped by his friends. So you can see why she wants revenge but not to the extent she takes it, which is why she makes a good villain. She's a very pretty girl but can definitely pull off the evil look to her. The story gets a bit confusing at first since a lot happens in such a quick time with little explanation, but picks up a bit more later. She kills one part of the family and then moves on to the other side (It' sort of confusing to explain). You never connect with any of the characters except for Nam (the other main girl), so when a character dies, big deal. The twist (if you can call it that) is a bit weird, but very typical for a horror film. The little albino girl (or maybe she was just Swedish) was a bit creepy which I'm sure was their intentions. What, or who, the albino girl represented can be disputed. I won't go into detail as not to spoil too much.

Now for some of the technical aspects. Some of the graphics were very bad, but I'm guessing this was somewhat a low budget so understandable. The physical graphics as in the gore (spitting up bloody razors, nails coming out of the head, the eels, stabbing, etc) was pretty good, something that if was digitalized, would have made this worse. Some shots were very well done but a lot seemed amateurish.

Now was it entertaining? Yes, it was. Worth a rent if you can deal with cheesy horror films. Just make sure the Thai audio track works, or you may just laugh a lot at the English overdubs (especially the scene where the mother is being haunted by the previous family killed by the girl).

6 out of 10 for being entertaining, with some good gore and a decent story
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