Well, its better than a sauce pan full of stale pretzels
31 December 2008
Sometimes, Jet Li and Jackie Chan are quite funny in this movie. And sometimes they are not funny at all. And that is what this movie is all about: slightly above Luke warm.

We are presented with a odd story about a young kid who travels back in time to a China that was mystical, magical, had Jet Li and Jackie Chan, and spoke a lot of English. Yes, that would also be the time when Smurfs ruled Antarctica back in the 1980s, but I will not get into that. Its about training an untrained kid, sort of like Kung Fu Panda, but you have a smaller budget because Jack Black isn't there eating all the sausages.

Anyway, sometimes the action is quite good for martial art fans. But then it gets 'Hidden Dragon' on the viewer and they start doing abnormal things. I am not a big fan of that.

I am glad I got to see a nice young Chinese actress and plus the kid got to be slapped around by two martial arts film greats. "C+"
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