Fascinating as cinema history, thoroughly enjoyable as cinema
13 January 2009
Perhaps because I was not very familiar with Luise Rainier performances (beyond "The Good Earth," which movie I didn't like), I was impressed by her in "The Emperor's Candlesticks." I use the conditional because of comments by others here.

Nevertheless, I found her charming, even entrancing.

William Powell gave his usual masterful best and all the other players were intriguing.

There were lots of "other players," too, and that each managed to be individualistic speaks of their own talents and of that of the director and script writer.

The movie was well directed, generally, and the script presented a view of a world long gone that we might otherwise never get to see.

It's a good yarn, with meshing stories of intrigue, and an adventure of an international race against the clock.

I recommend this as a must-see movie on many levels.
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