The Running Jumping & Standing Still Film was an interesting early work of director Richard Lester
15 February 2009
Just watched this early Richard Lester short starring Peter Sellers on YouTube. It's basically a silent one with a music score and speeded-up images done for humorous effect. Sellers is both a photographer and a hunter here. I also noticed Graham Stark-who I've seen in the Pink Panther movies with Sellers-in this film. There were a few comic touches-like that man using a horn with a needle running around a tree stump as that needle touches a record on the stump or duel of two men with one carrying a sword and the other carrying a gun with another guy with a horn in his ear in between them-that I thought was highly amusing while others-like a woman "washing" on the grass-was a little lame. Still, since The Beatles hired Lester to helm A Hard Days Night because of this short, I'd at least recommend The Running Jumping & Standing Still Film for historical purposes.
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