I didn't think that you could count that high!
21 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS***A fine cast especially actor David Keith, as Assistant D.A Carter Roberts, is wasted in this utterly confusing crime drama involving the gang rape and murder of 14 year old Mary wells played by, in her first and last movie appearance,Victoria Rutwind.

Picked up and taken down by the river Mary is found the next morning raped and beaten, with her windpipe crushed, to death. It didn't take much to find those, four teenager, suspected in Mary's rape & murder since they more then admitted to raping her. But as for who if any of them murdered Mary they seemed to be hiding something that the police and D.A's office may have overlooked.

It's up to assistant D.A Carter Roberts to prosecute those who were arrested in Mary's death with the two top suspects being the Aldridge Boys Joel & Ian, Eric Johnson & Myles Ferguson. It also just happens that the boy's father Tate Aldridge, Tom Butler, is the richest and most politically connected man in town. Old Man Aldridage is more then willing to do anything to get his boys off even going so far as using Carter's wife Andrea (Jessica Steen), a defense attorney herself, to do it!

As things start to look bad for both Joel & Ian a mysterious video tape surfaces showing the policeman investigating them Lt. Robert Ingram Michael Ironside, conversing with the boy's lawyer Kyle Reeves, David McNally, thus having the case thrown out of court. The repercussions of this meeting also has Reeves' boss Gail Sterling, Wendy Crewson, lose all of Tate Aldridge's business causing her law-firm to almost go belly-up! The biggest shock of all is that it was Andrea who with the help of the scuzzy pot smoking bartender Owen Kerr, Benjamin Ratner, uncovered the incriminating video tap. All this behind the scenes chicanery had Andrea's husbands who was the prosecuting attorney, which she had no knowledge of him being, career in the D.A's office go straight down the tubes.

It's when your trying to figure out where exactly the movie is going all the teenagers involved in Mary Well's murder become targets of a mysterious killer. The killer is either seeking revenge in Mary's murder or is her killer himself trying to shut up those who can identify and turn him over to the police.

****SPOILER ALERT****Far out and crazy plot that has just about everyone suspected in Mary's murder end up being murdered themselves. The big surprise in the movie is that the punishment didn't fit the crime in that those who raped Mary ended up dead but her actual killer got off Scot-free! As for the shadowy killer himself he, or she, was so obsessed with his attempt to avenge Mary Well's murder that he, in his zeal to execute street justice, not only offed the wrong persons but, when caught red-handed, ended up offing himself as well!
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