Review of Easy Virtue

Easy Virtue (2008)
Stephan Elliott is Back!!
17 March 2009
I loved this film!! Young American beauty marries into stiff-upper-lip-aristocratic-but-newly-poor-lineage. Perhaps the concept underlying the conflict in this film is somewhat anachronistic, but I was reminded of the stir in the Royal family when Diana and Sarah F joined them in the early 1980's - not so anachronistic after all.

This is a romp of a film. The script is wonderful, the acting superb, and I wasn't bored even for one second. Fans of Kristin Scott Thomas may be shocked by her playing an older woman - with grey hair and facial lines! - but play it she does, and wonderfully. She spent much of the movie holding her face in a controlled fake smile, and she and Colin Firth have some of the best lines in the whole movie. Add to that Kris Marshall's Furber, the butler, who sees all, and eventually comments upon it after one too many glasses of champers.

Hats off to Stephan Elliott as Director. He gathered a wonderful cast to make an equally wonderful film. After "Welcome To Woop Woop", I was not prepared to forgive him, but forgive him I have.

I enjoyed this experience mostly because I could sit down in the theatre and forget what was going on in the outside world for a couple of hours. It takes a good movie to do that.
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