my FAVORITE movie of all time
9 April 2009
I saw this move in the early 1970's on the channel 13 Albuquerque, NM TV station afternoon movie under the title "A tale of love and jealousy" and dubbed in English. In those days and on through my 20's I kept a notebook and rated movies. This one was number one then and still is to this day for me. In effect this movie has a tragic ending and is, in reality, a tragedy, but you do not realize it until the end. For the second showing I arranged a group of my friends to come watch and we all laughed throughout the entire movie until the end, in which a lot of things come together and you realize the underlying sadness. In particular, I remember the close-ups of Marcello Mastrioninni addressing the audience (the viewer) explaining his actions throughout the movie - an excellent effect, the reason for which becomes clear at the end of the movie.

I have suggested it to our local theater a number of times, but it may no longer be available in English. Too bad.
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