Review of Thérèse

Thérèse (1986)
THERESE (Alain Cavalier, 1986) ***
11 April 2009
I recall this being shown one Friday afternoon while in secondary school (a Catholic college no less); rewatching THERESE now, I can't fathom what my reaction might have been at the time – since it is far more stark (to the point where there are barely any sets!) than the Vittorio Cottafavi TV-film about the same subject which preceded the viewing. Incidentally, while the latter was interesting in depicting the inquiry into the Carmelite nun's canonization (without her ever appearing on-screen), this purports to present her actual life – but does it in a such a fragmentary, low-key manner (evoking memories of the work of one of my favorite auteurs, Robert Bresson) as to shed no more light on her professed saintliness: in this respect, the two films are in perfect agreement…while rendering the version under review somewhat pointless! Mind you, artistically, THERESE is undeniably sound – if drawing unwarranted attention to itself (especially in the obscure insistence on detail which is sometimes decidedly revolting!) – with Catherine Mouchet's central performance proving similarly compelling. Anyway, the film caught the critics' attention at the time – winning a great many Cesar awards (France's equivalent to the Oscar) and, as I intimated in my introduction, made the rounds internationally in an English-dubbed version (in spite of its limited commercial appeal).
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