I hope more have the chance to see this.
25 April 2009
I caught this one at the Kansas City Film Festival, and I almost wish I hadn't. Well, actually, I'm glad I did because this might have been my only chance to catch this movie. Unfortunately, with this being shot in digital, on the big screen the pixelation of the images was very apparent, and might have been better viewed on a television. It's too bad because it's very obvious there is some outstanding photography and cinematography at work here. Hutton takes a page out of Errol Morris' book as this has a lot of the same feel as Vernon, Florida. Where it differs is that there isn't as deep an emotional connection with the people in this movie, though the people are still very much the focus. Towards the end of the movie we meet an old farmer turned millionaire as a result of his oil money, and he is absolutely hilarious. Scenes like that coupled with the many beautiful image (that should have been shot on film!) make this is great movie. I am glad I saw it, despite what I said above.
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