Strengths and Weaknesses
6 May 2009
Satcher, Eshe' Drama 70 May 6, 2009

Silence of The Bees: Strengths and Weaknesses

The film, Silence of The Bees, brought the play to life through its strong characters, directing, scene setting, music, and costumes. The characters were extraordinary. They really took their roles serious, and fitted into each character marvelously. Their makeup was very natural, and their costumes were too. I could see when the character Alex started to tear up in the scene when she talks about her unsuccessful writing career. The character that played Parker Lam floral shirt, vest, and hat fitted his character's age, and island environment. It was interesting to see their father daughter love-hate relationship play out. The father loves her, but he is sarcastic at times. In comparison, the daughter said she was going home, but ended up staying. The opening scene was immaculate with the sun setting, and the bees by a tree. Also the lighting with the candles on the porch made the scene look real. The music was nice. Very sentimental in the beginning, but through the characters dialogue the audience could hear the ocean water in the background; which also made the film have an island environment. The director did well with the close up shots to show the characters facial expressions, and their emotions. It was a great choice in the end to stay with the fathers face as he talked to the daughter when she was inside. The ending, with the bottle falling to the ground, made me think the father died.

In contrast, there were minor weaknesses to the film compared to the screen play. The screenplay doesn't leave the audience with a great ending. It seems at it was cut off. I thought the father should have looked a little older. The actress that played Alex was over-dramatic when she talks about the meat being in the soup. Last, the film should have included the background and the scene about other people partying on the island because it would make the setting more realistic, and the characters not so isolated at the home.
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