Sea Beast (2008 TV Movie)
Surprisingly Enjoyable
9 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Worthless plot, lame acting, by-the-numbers flick. Nonetheless, I rather enjoyed it.

This highly predictable movie adds nothing to a world of monster movies. If you're looking for a masterful piece with an inventive story and relatable characters, go somewhere else. However, if you want to be mindlessly entertained and simply enjoy watching CGI monsters tear things up, check out this title.

The beast itself is very well done. Seeing it in action, you would never guess this is just another low-budget made-for-scifi channel movie. When the beast is on-screen, the movie really shines; and fortunately it has a decent amount of screen time, since things are extraordinarily lame when the beast isn't around.

Also, trying to avoid any spoilers, I'll just say I was pleasantly surprised with the ending as far as the characters were concerned. Horror movies are all to often predictable in this respect, and it seems the most annoying characters wind up alive.

Finally, the girl is relatively attractive to look at, which helps any movie's cause, and turned out to be capable of some unexpected ass-kickery.

Overall, a very fun movie to watch. Unless you're a snotty film critic who thinks you're gifted with some kind of social superiority, I'd recommend it.
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