Review of The Bunker

The Bunker (2001)
The Bunk
17 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this movie twice, now. The first time, I'd had one or two drinks and gave it the benefit of the booze. However, the second time around I was stone-cold sober, and only wished that I wasn't.

This vehicle is an absolute flop. It's supposed to be a 'psychological horror' movie, I think. Except that there's no psychology - unless you consider half a dozen basically competent British actors shouting a banal script at each other psychological. And as to horror... did any turn up? This movie assumes that tired old formula of a group of people more or less trapped in a gloomy environment with something unpleasant apparently out to get them. Think of 'Aliens', think of 'The Thing', think of 'The Decent'; think of 'Pitch Black', think of a score of similar movies. They're old hat, but 'Aliens', 'The Thing' and 'Pitch Black' prove that - as hokey as the formula has become - in the right hands it can still have you on the edge of your seat.

If you can imagine 'Aliens' without any aliens, without a decent script, without lavishly-financed Oscar-winning set pieces and effects, and without Ripley, Hicks, Apone, or any of the other likable characters; then you've more or less got 'The Bunker'.

It's a nothing, a vacuum, a movie waiting for something to happen that never does. They don't even fill the gaps with some trusty 'flesh-eating zombies'. Nope; the real zombies are watching it.

Unredeemed by any quality; it's the sort of DVD you pull from the bargain-bin on Saturday and give to the charity shop on Sunday.
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