Yet another disappointment--this is NOT Perry Mason.
3 July 2009
The film begins with a "nice legs" contest. But when the winner is announced, the organizers tell her that she should come back in the morning to get her winning check. Of course, when she returns, the crooks have made off with the sponsors' money. Later, when the crook is killed, the police think that this lady is the perpetrator. This is odd, however, as this jerk has done this scam repeatedly and MANY possible ladies could have done it.

The police in this Perry Mason B-movie are stupider and more unscrupulous than normal for the genre. First, they want to arrest Mason, though there's no indication he did anything wrong. Second, they listen in on phone calls from Mason's clients to his office--a serious violation of the law. These cops are beyond stupid--they are criminal in their behaviors!

Now if the cops don't behave like cops, it's much worse when it comes to Mason. He behaves nothing like an attorney and especially nothing like the TV version or the guy from the first Perry Mason movie (THE CASE OF THE HOWLING DOG). Here, he's a heavy drinker, punches people, makes lewd comments and is constantly laughing while he investigates crimes. In many ways, he's pretty much like any other B-movie detective, but remember, Mason is NOT a detective but a defense attorney! None of this makes any sense and the films, too often, are played for comedic value. This is just wrong for the type films these are supposed to be. As a result, the film (and most of the Warren William versions of Perry Mason) is a big disappointment.

By the way, look for Allen Jenkins as Mason's assistant. Ironically, in THE CASE OF THE HOWLING DOG, Jenkins played the cop investigating the murder.
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