Review of My Last Day

Scrubs: My Last Day (2002)
Season 1, Episode 24
Growing pains: Season 1 overview
17 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Somehow Scrubs eluded me through its entire run, but I was given a second chance when it started all the way from beginning again. I actually did not set out to watch it on purpose and therefore missed the first two episodes, but by chance saw the third one. I gave it a "7", which was good enough to warrant checking out a couple of more episodes. Unfortunately, most of them got only a "6", and a few got even a "4" and a "5". Now, a "6" is not bad by any means. It's just ordinary. In my opinion, in those episodes that I saw of the first 20, the writers were trying too hard, the humor was done heavy-handedly and it all just wasn't very engaging. I suspect that it shows that the actors, especially the younger ones, took some time to get into the roles - it's just like with Friends: compare the beginning of the first season of Friends to any later season and you can see the difference. So, I hung in there and Scrubs delivered a couple of "8"s, which was a good sign. The episodes with Brendan Fraser also got "8"s from me. They could have been "9"s or even "10"s, had Brendan not stolen the show from everyone. And the last time I checked, the show was called "Scrubs", not "The Brendan Fraser Show". The best episode I saw was the final one, where pretty much everything was in balance and the laughs came at a steady rate, not arbitrarily like in the episodes that got a "6". Also, there was a genuine plot (if not much character) development and a terrific climax. Still, it wasn't even close to getting a "10" from me because a "10" should be something that *cannot* be improved upon in any way (there is no "11" except on Spinal Tap's amps). But I could now see why this show lived long and prospered and look forward to watching the later seasons.
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