Silent Cradle (1997)
OK TV movie
18 July 2009
Lorraine Bracco is a pregnant woman who takes a bad spill down a flight of cement steps and ends up losing her baby. Or did she? She eventually decides to look into adopting, and ends up talking to a shady character who in fact helped swap her baby for a dead one in the hospital and then sold her baby to a childless couple. Bracco begins to smell a rat when, through the shady baby broker, she meets a woman with a baby for sale. The woman turns out to be the nurse who attended Bracco after her fall, and slowly but surely Bracco begins piecing together the truth. Not bad for a TV movie, but flat. Like most TV movies. Some familiar faces help keep things reasonable interesting: John Heard is Bracco's shady delivery doctor, and the wonderful Margot Kidder is a friend who also happens to be a DEA agent.
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