Review of Remember?

Remember? (1939)
un-even love story from same yr as OZ and Gone With
24 July 2009
Anything coming out the same yr as Gone With the Wind and Wiz of Oz didn't really have a chance...stars Greer Garson, Robert Taylor, and Lew Ayres. some very clever bits in the script...the revolving door gag, and when Billie Burke (she was busy that yr!) says "We'll have a big breakfast. Do you like horses?" and of course the implication is that she was serving horse for breakfast..but they were going to have a fox hunt AFTER breakfast. Lot of fun bits, but you kind of have to buy into the memory loss deal. G. Garson reminds me of Myrna Loy... strong-willed, plain talking, speaks her mind. I liked Lew Ayres better in HOLIDAY... keep an eye out for Henry Travers as the Judge, an old friend of the family (he was "Clarence", the friendly ghost in "Its a Wonderful Life"). Some of the gags fall flat, like the "color of my eyes", since its in black and white. For the most part, its a fun, all around love-story farce. Directed by Norman McLeod, who had directed the Marx Brothers and W.C. Fields, so he certainly knew how to make a comedy! this has pretty low ratings, but its a cute little love story. /ksf-2
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