Best of the several send up of the 1950's Scifi films
2 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Send up of the 1950's science fiction films that play better than other recent attempts (Lost Skeleton of of Cadarva for example). The plot is an amalgam of bits from the Blob, Day the Earth Stood Still, It Came From Outer Space and others all mixed up into a familiar blend. It kind of works but even at 80 minutes the film feels too long for what it is (A newsreel at the start seems to indicate they needed to stretch the run time). For me the real problem is that the film is in color and while thats fine since many films like War of the Worlds and When Worlds Collide were made in color, this is the wrong sort of color (If you watch the film you'll know what I mean). It looks good but just feel wrong and I think Black and White would have been better. Worth a rental if you like old science fiction films.
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