Another IP gets a movie, and pulls it off with some dignity
8 August 2009
I heard of G.I. Joe before, but in my country it was never popular, so I had no idea about what to expect. Which turned out to be no problem, as the movie is telling the story of how it all began, with the introduction of the G.I. team which is the secret protector of Earth who steps in with amazing technology and the best of the best soldiers when everything else has failed. It's the story of how Joe found his way into this team, to become the legendary G.I. Joe.

Other characters, evil and good, are also introduced through a series of brief flashbacks. You will be pretty educated about G.I. Joe and his arch enemy, the Cobra, when leaving the theater.

To make it even less hardcore, they also added some romance in there, so it's safe to bring your date. I went with a female friend, and she liked it at least. But don't worry, the romance never gets in the way of the action. And that's what the movie is all about, action and special effects. It's not about the story or good acting.

I guess the movie is what you'd expect to appear if Transformers 2 and The Day the Earth Stood Still fell in love and made a baby. It has swarms of destructive Nano bots, men in robot suits, lots of action, some romance with tomboy girls and pretty much gives the same feel. Looks more like its dad Transformers 2 though.

I never found myself caught up in the movie at any point since it's never exciting as you always know what will happen before the characters in the movie figures it out, and it has no surprising plot turns in any way. It's just a long exercise in CGI-assisted action scenes, with a humorous tone to it. It will give you a few laughs.

If you are picky about special effects you might catch a few scenes where the graphics looks pretty fake, which is in fact more rare than the opposite these days, but it still is pretty good eye candy.

It's a movie that is soon forgotten, but which is still entertaining enough to be hypnotized to after a long stressful week. Remember to turn off your brain before watching and you'll be fine.
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